Professional profile

Hi there, I'm Brian!

I began daily scripture study when I was about 12 years old. Though my parents had raised me as religious, I realized that I could not know of God's reality or character from someone else's beliefs. I committed to learning and trying to approach Him for myself.

My only immediate answer I received was the peace that I felt as I studied scripture and prayed to know if God was real and if these scriptures were truly of Him. That initial answer was slowly added upon experience by experience as I continued to pray and read each day until I could no longer doubt the reality of God nor His power in my life through scripture.

Over the years, my study of scripture has become more personalized, practical, and meaningful to me.

The treasure of scripture is not in their impact nor the timeless wisdom that they teach. Rather, it is in their invitation to individually discover and come to personally know the Living God, our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

They do and will respond.

I hope that as you follow along you will also commit to sacrificing daily time for scripture study and prayer.

I testify that as you do so, you will discover that Jesus Christ is the Rock and reliable Foundation upon which you may safely build your own life.

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